analysis of urban
change, theory, action

Call for papers RGS-IBG AC2025 – Urban Omissions: Untranslated concepts and debates in urban studies

Call for papers RGS-IBG AC2025 – Urban Omissions: Untranslated concepts and debates in urban studies

Call for papers RGS-IBG AC2025, University of Birmingham (26-29 August 2025)  Session title: Urban Omissions: Untranslated concepts and debates in...
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Memorias en el agua: un testimonio desde Xochistlahuaca

Memorias en el agua: un testimonio desde Xochistlahuaca en el agua: un testimonio desde Xochistlahuaca-Dr Ulises Moreno-Tabarez-Dr Dulce María Quintero RomeroEl agua es más que un recurso:...
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Memories in the water: a testimony from Xochistlahuaca

Memories in the water: a testimony from Xochistlahuaca in the Water: A Testimony from Xochistlahuaca-Dr Ulises Moreno-Tabarez-Dr Dulce María Quintero RomeroWater is more than a resource: it...
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Peri-Urban Participation in the Fight Against Neglected Diseases

Peri-Urban Participation in the Fight Against Neglected Diseases

Editors: – Dr. Ulises Moreno Tabarez; –Dr. Dulce María Quintero Romero; –Dr. Héctor Becerril; –Dr. Rocío López Velasco As part...
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Participación Peri-Urbana en la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Olvidadas

Participación Peri-Urbana en la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Olvidadas

Editor@s: – Dr. Ulises Moreno Tabarez; –Dra. Dulce María Quintero Romero; –Dr. Héctor Becerril; –Dra. Rocío López VelascoComo parte del...
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city: issue 28.5-6

founding editor: bob caterrall editor: city editors editorial: Cities, computation and capitalism alexander tarr … Metropolis. Great movie. Exactly the world Pökler and evidently quite a few others were dreaming about those days, a

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city: issue 28.3-4

founding editor: bob caterrall editor: city editors editorial: Forty million minutes: witnessing across generations Ross Domoney, Antonis Vradis & Waleed Samer What is the value of testimony? What kind of effect can it

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city: issue 28.1-2

founding editor: bob caterrall editor: city editors editorial: erased city Ammar Azzouz If it was not Palestine, it would have been different. But it is Palestine. Silence.  Everyone is watching.

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city: analysis of urban change, theory, action journal and website provide a conduit for critical academic debates and theoretical development, considering their implications for everyday lives, urban change and action.