coeditores: dr. ulises moreno tabarez, dra. dulce maría quintero romero, dr. Héctor Becerril y dra. rocío lópez velasco nota editorial: Este blog es parte de un esfuerzo colectivo de investigación en curso bajo el ...
por ulises moreno tabarez Como editor de esta serie de blogs, me doy cuenta de que aún no me he presentado. Mi nombre es Uli, y he estado viviendo en Acapulco ...
by ulises moreno tabarez* As the editor of this blog series, I realize I have yet to introduce myself. My name is Uli, and I’ve been living in Acapulco since March ...
We are thrilled to announce the translation of our editorial, “Pluriversal Urbanisms,” as part of our ongoing efforts to diversify our audiences and engage more deeply with the Global East. ...
To accompany our latest editorial by Ammar Azzouz, erased city, we made accessible 20 selected articles on Palestine/Israel. Emphasizing the immediate necessity for a ceasefire & end to the occupation, ...
We are excited to welcome Paroj Banerjee as a new editor of the core collective of editors for City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action. Paroj is an urban ethnographer ...
Spinning the telescope: More-than-human conjunctures, Black lives and urban space Speaker: Pat Noxolo (University of Birmingham) Discussant: Adam Elliott-Cooper (Queen Mary University of London) Chair: David ...
deadline extended: 12 november 2023 In the realms of Human Geography and Urban Studies, the term ‘commons’ emerges as a distinct spatial concept. It encompasses both the material aspects of ...
Por Leticia Carpio Cortes, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Jaime Matus Parada, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana y Lucía Santos Baca, Tlali Bienestar y Conservación, A.C.coeditores:– dr. ulises moreno tabarez;-dra. dulce maría quintero romero;-dr. Héctor Becerril;-dra. rocio lopez ...
by leticia carpio cortes, universidad autónoma de guerrero, jaime matus parada, universidad autónoma metropolitana and lucía santos baca, tlali bienestar y conservación, a.c.coeditors:– dr. ulises moreno tabarez;-dra. dulce maría quintero romero;-dr. ...
by liliana leyva diazcoeditors:– dr. ulises moreno tabarez;-dra. dulce maría quintero romero;-dr. Héctor Becerril;-dra. rocio lopez velasco the objective of my research and advocacy project is to design strategies for neighbourhood ...
por liliana leyva diazcoeditores:– dr. ulises moreno tabarez;-dra. dulce maría quintero romero;-dr. Héctor Becerril;-dra. rocio lopez velasco El objetivo de mi proyecto de investigación e incidencia es diseñar estrategias para el ...
city: analysis of urban change, theory, action journal and website provide a conduit for critical academic debates and theoretical development, considering their implications for everyday lives, urban change and action.