CITY: Analysis of urban change, theory, action is seeking to appoint new editors. CITY is a peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis. CITY stands for the critical analysis of urban life with an orientation towards radical change. The journal seeks to provide comment from a broad range of voices, to blur disciplinary boundaries, to engage with urbanism and urban politics between academics, activists and artists and to weave theory and analysis into the fabric of everyday experience and struggle across and beyond academia.
Since January 2019, CITY has had a new collective ethos and editorial structure. The journal’s structure consists of two overlapping groups: the CITY Collective of around 40 members and the CITY Editors, including the Scenes Sounds Action editor and the two book reviews editors. The broader CITY Collective contributes reviews, editorial assistance and suggestions and helps to shape the journal’s overall direction. The CITY Editors are responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the journal, with support on issue production from Taylor & Francis staff, as well as our own website and social media sites.
We are now recruiting two new CITY Editors. There is a small stipend for the role of CITY Editor in recognition of the labour and commitment involved. As a CITY Editor, you will be responsible for the overall running of the journal, along with your fellow Editors. The small team works closely and collectively to process submissions, make acceptance decisions, manage the revision process and select and recruit referees. Typically, each Editor will co-edit one or two issues per year and write, co-write or commission one editorial per year, take responsibility for a specific project or aspect of day-to-day management (such as communication with the CITY Collective, treasurer, Special Features) and attend monthly online and one or two face-to-face meetings per year. As an Editor, you will work with the other Editors to shape the journal’s direction and sustain and develop projects. These could include public events or developing wider contacts and submissions. In the future, we would like to continue forming strong global collaborations and pursuing new thematic issues, public lectures and workshops.
If you are interested in applying for the position of CITY Editor, please send your CV and a 1 page Statement of Interest by 6 February 2023 to Anna Richter, the journal’s Correspondence editor, at Statements of Interest should include a summary of your general research interests and specialisations and what you think you can contribute to the journal. Given the over-representation of the UK in the Collective, we encourage applications from scholars outside the Global West. We also strongly encourage applications from women, scholars of colour, early career scholars and those who are otherwise typically underrepresented in journal editorial structures.