Graffiti & Street Art: A Queer Feminist Approach (Roundtable)

On April 20, 2022, City, in collaboration with Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research and Nuart Journal, hosted a roundtable discussion based on the Special Feature “Inscriptions of Crisis: Graffiti, Street Art & Urban Interventions” which we published as part of Issue 25.3-4. (Click on the hyperlinks for respective articles). 

The Special Feature is our attempt to reclaim space as queer feminists in what started and flourished as a boyish, aggressive, and sometimes macho subculture. It is our way to tag a spot for queer feminist contributions to the academic subfield of graffiti and street art. But most of all, a way of acknowledging and celebrating the queer feminist struggles of the last decade that led to this new and refreshing visibility on and against the walls.

Roundtable Participants:

Anna Carastathis (FAC Research, Greece)

Myrto Tsil (FAC Research, Greece)

Julia Tulke (University of Rochester, US)

Natalia Samutina (Independent scholar)

Susan Hansen (Middlesex University, UK)

Paridhi Gupta (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)

Piyarat Panlee (Kasetsart University, Thailand)

Sarah H. Awad (Aalborg University, Denmark)

Konstantinos Avramidis (University of Cyprus)

Ulises Moreno-Tabarez, City Editor (Host)

Nuart Journal will host the transcript. We will update this post with links to that once they publish it.

FAC’s annual membership drive is now running until 15 May: Become a member so that we can keep FAC alive and autonomous!

city: analysis of urban change, theory, action journal and website provide a conduit for critical academic debates and theoretical development, considering their implications for everyday lives, urban change and action.