10,000 Cuts

Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) are at the forefront of anti-austerity direct action and below is the photo-essay featured in CITY’s Introduction to, and Interview with, Disabled People Against Cuts in the relaunch issue 24(1-2).  In solidarity and remembrance: these photographs are from a memorial event held in Parliament Square in London in September 2013. by DPAC and WOW Petition to commemorate over 10,000 disabled people who died shortly after their Work Capability Assessments. The event was called ‘10,000 Cuts and Counting’ (Figures 3–7). Sadly people continue to die, so we need to keep remembering.

Many continue to lose their lives in one of the wealthiest countries in the world due to punitive austerity measures imposed by the UK Conservative government that left many disabled and others unable to feed themselves adequately, heat their homes or access necessary medical and social support. Covid-19 has brought new challenges, which DPAC have highlighted through a series of recorded collaborative events since March 2020 – seen the links below the photographs.

‘10,000 Cuts and Counting’ memorial. Parliament Square 2013. Source: Paula Peters.
‘10,000 Cuts and Counting’ memorial was led by human rights campaigner Mohammed Ansar and the Dean of St Pauls Cathedral, Dr David Ison. 2013. Source: Paula Peters.
ATOS Kills: the successful DPAC campaign that led to Atos pulling our of their contract with the UK government’s Department for Work and Pensions. Source: Paula Peters
!0,000 Cuts. Source: Paula Peters


!0,000 Cuts. Source: Paula Peters

Posted by Debbie Humphry Sept 14, 2020.



city: analysis of urban change, theory, action journal and website provide a conduit for critical academic debates and theoretical development, considering their implications for everyday lives, urban change and action.